Livermore's First Trade
One day another office
boy told Livermore
that he had been given a tip to buy shares in Burlington and asked if Livermore
had any money to join him, predicting they would quickly double their money. Livermore took out his notebook and looked at
the prices he had recorded for Burlington.
In Livermore's
estimation, Burlington's price was
acting in the way he would expect it to if it were going to rise.
Livermore invested all he had in Burlington
- just a few dollars - and was rewarded two days later with $3.12 profit.
Buoyed by his success, in the following months Jesse Livermore went on to make
his first $1,000 - a very large sum indeed - by virtue of his ability to read
the message of the tape.
"After that first
trade, I got to speculating on my own hook in the bucket shops. I'd go during
my lunch hour and buy or sell - it never made any difference to me. I was
playing a system and not a favorite stock or backing opinions. All I knew was
the arithmetic of it. As a matter of fact, mine was the ideal way to operate in
a bucket shop, where all that a trader does is to bet on fluctuations as they
are printed by the ticker on the tape.
It was not long before I
was taking much more money out of the bucket shops than I was pulling down from
my job in the brokerage office. So I gave up my position. My folks objected,
but they couldn't say much when they saw what I was making. I was only a kid
and office-boy wages were not very high. I did mighty well on my own hook."
Having learned that
prices could behave predictably, it was time for the boy Livermore to expand
his operations.
Jesse Livermore's
Trading Methods
At the heart of Jesse
Livermore's spectacular trading success was the skill he acquired as eager 14
year old transferring stock prices from ticker tape to quote board - the skill
of deducing the likely future movements of stock prices.
Livermore said, "To invest or
speculate successfully, one must form an opinion as to what the next move of
importance will be in a given stock. Speculation is nothing more than
anticipating coming movements. In order to anticipate correctly, one must have
a definite basis for that anticipation... "
Livermore believed that, if you thought a
stock would move in a certain way, you should enter a trade as early as
possible after the market had confirmed your judgment.
What Patterns Did Livermore
Look For?
Jesse Livermore liked to
trade stocks whose price was moving in an obvious trend. He was not interested
in trading stocks whose price was meandering - moving up and down with no
strong trend - such as the one shown on the left.
The patterns he sought to
identify were patterns in the prices. Modern traders - and indeed many traders
in Livermore's time too -
plotted the prices and volumes against time on a chart. Jesse Livermore,
however, did not use charts. He preferred to look at the numbers themselves.
The Pivotal Point
Jesse Livermore wrote:
"Whenever I have had
the patience to wait for the market to arrive at what I call a Pivotal Point
before I started to trade; I have always made money in my operations."
Consider the chart on the
left. The price had been trending downwards before rallying from a low of 40c.
The rally could not be maintained, however, and the stock has retreated to 40c
again. 40c has become what Jesse Livermore called a pivotal point. Any
significant move either upwards or downwards from the pivotal point would be
traded by Livermore.
If the stock were to
break below, say, 37c, Livermore
would sell short. If it were to break above, say, 43c, Livermore
would buy. He would observe the price action carefully after the buy because
49c - the high of the earlier rally - is another pivotal point. If the price
failed to rally above 49c - again by 3c, say - Livermore
would exit from the trade.
Livermore said:
"I never benefited
much from a move if I did not get in at somewhere near the beginning of the
move. And the reason is that I missed the backlog of profit which is very
necessary to provide the courage and patience to sit through a move until the
end comes - and to stay through any minor reactions or rallies which were bound
to occur from time to time before the movement had completed its course."
The Normal Reaction
Once a stock had broken
out of a trading range - such as the stock on the left, which has broken
downwards - Livermore would begin
trading. In this case the breakout is downwards and so Livermore
would sell the stock short.
He would look for signs
that the new trend was behaving normally and that it would be safe to stick
with the trade.
Jesse Livermore would
look for the following signs:
- At the beginning of the move
there should be an unusually large volume of shares traded.
- Prices should move generally
in one direction (upwards or downwards) for a few days.
- A normal reaction
should be observed - volume will decrease compared with the volumes
observed during the initial trend, and the price may move against the
trend somewhat.
- Within a day or two of the normal
reaction, volume should increase again and the price trend should be
Provided this pattern is
repeated, it is safe to stick with a trade. If there should be a deviation from
the pattern, it is a warning sign. If the pattern fails and the price moves against
the trend by more than a little, it is a sign to exit your trade and preserve
your profit.