What is a stock,

How do you make profits with stocks?,

What is the Stock Market? ,

What is the Demat Account? ,

Who is the Stock Broker?

Where can I trade stocks?

Do I have to be physically present in the stock market to trade stocks?

What is online trading?

What other services are offered in Online Trading?

How do I Buy / sell stock with my Online Account?

What are a Limit Order / Limit Price?ell Order with Limit Price

What is a Market Order?

Market Order for Buying

Market Order for Selling

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Market Timings

Trading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the equities segment are:

Normal Market Open : 09:55 hours
Normal Market Close : 15:30 hours

The Closing Session is held between 15.50 hours and 16.00 hours

Limited Physical Market Open : 09:55 hours
Limited Physical Market Close : 15:30 hours

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