Day Trding Knowledge

It seemingly looks to be the simplest and the most rewarding. But in intraday trading one has to be very fast and quick and have to be on your toes always, so there are certain rules which one has to keep in mind.

·         If index is in positive from yesterday and the share you are holding is in minus then it should be cut and if intraday trend of index is in buy then one should buy a stock in which is in plus.

·         If index is in minus then one should look to short stocks which are minus and not stocks which are in plus.

·         It is not necessary that a stock which is weak today during intraday trading might be weak tomorrow also, simultaneously if a stock is strong today might not be strong tomorrow

·         If US Markets have gone up overnight, the markets here in all probability will open strong, so one should be quite careful when buying stocks as the general psychology of public is to buy when good news is there.

·         Being contrarians is very important while trading intraday.

·         Stop loss is a must while trading intraday.

·         Always trade in very liquid stocks i.e. which have very high volume because as entry and exit can be very fast in such stocks.

·         Do papers trading before you actually start trading so that when you start making paper profits, then shift to actual trading

·         Keep your volume constant e.g.: if you trade in five lots of nifty future then trade in five lots only. This position can be increased only when you are satisfied with your trading for a month. It should not be that one day you buy five lots and next day you trade in ten lots and third day you get a loss and stop trading for two days.

·         Fear and Greed are at maximum levels while trading intraday so always have less position when you are new to intraday trading as otherwise you will be mostly under tension.

"Intra day trading strategy is defined as an overall trading strategy characterized by the regular transmission by a customer of a multiple intra day electronic orders to affect both purchase and sale in the same security or securities."

It seemingly looks to be the simplest and the most rewarding. But in intraday trading one has to be very fast and quick and have to be on your toes always, so there are certain rules which one has to keep in mind while doing day trading in Indian stock market or in any stock exchange

Most successful day traders are those that have a system or method and stick to it over and over. There is no "magic formula" that will result in fantastic results. Most day traders that I know plan their trades around a theory or method they have faith in and continue this process over and over.

Day trading is characterized by multiple intra-day trades executed to take advantage of small price movements in stock. Stocks are generally held for minutes or hours and generally positions are closed out overnight for small profits or losses. In the day trading study, a day trader is described as "an individual who conducts intra-day trading in a focused and consistent manner with a primary goal of earning a living through the profits derived from trading strategy".

  • Trading opportunities are  more frequent, if you can trade with daily chart, you will see similar trades more often on intraday chart

  • You can cut losses very quickly.

  • There is no overnight risk if a major piece of news hits your market after the close.


  • You miss longer term swings and trends

  • Profit are smaller because intraday swings are shorter

  • Expenses are higher because of more frequent commission or brokerage and slippage.

You must act instantly, if you stop to think you are dead. With daily chart you have a luxury of time but intraday chart demand immediate action.


  • Keep your volume constant e.g.: if you trade in five lots of nifty future then trade in five lots only.

  • Being contrarians is very important while trading intraday.

  • Stop loss is a must while trading intraday.

  • Always trade in very liquid stocks i.e. which have very high volume because as entry and exit can be very fast in such stocks.

  • It is not necessary that a stock which is weak today during intraday trading might be weak tomorrow also, simultaneously if a stock is strong today might not be strong tomorrow

  • With the use of various tool, most of them are based on” range breakouts" or "trend following" systems. Others are based on "pivot points" and other advanced calculation.


What you must NOT do

1. Don't panic

The market is volatile. Accept that. It will keep fluctuating. Don't panic.

If the prices of your shares have plummeted, there is no reason to want to get rid of them in a hurry. Stay invested if nothing fundamental about your company has changed.

Ditto with your mutual fund does the Net Asset Value deep dipping and then rising slightly? Hold on. Don't sell unnecessarily.

2. Don't make huge investments

When the market dips, go ahead and buy some stocks. But don't invest huge amounts. Pick up the shares in stages.

Keep some money aside and zero in on a few companies you believe in.

When the market dips --buy them. When the market dips again, , you can pick up some more. Keep buying the shares periodically.

Everyone knows that they should buy when the market has reached its lowest and sell the shares when the market peaks. But the fact remains, no one can time the market.

It is impossible for an individual to state when the share price has reached rock bottom. Instead, buy shares over a period of time; this way, you will average your costs.

Pick a few stocks and invest in them gradually.

Ditto with mutual fund Invest small amounts gradually via a Systematic Investment Plan Here, you invest a fixed amount every month into your fund and you get units allocated to you.

3. Don't chase performance

A stock does not become a good buy simply because its price has been rising phenomenally. Once investors start selling, the price will drop drastically.

Ditto with a mutual fund every fund will show a great return in the current Bull Run. That does not make it a good fund. Track the performance of the fund over a bull and bear market; only then make your choice. 

4. Don't ignore expenses

When you buy and sell shares, you will have to pay a brokerage fee and a Securities Transaction Tax. This could nip into your profits especially if you are selling for small gains (where the price of stock has risen by a few rupees).

With mutual funds, if you have already paid an entry load, then you most probably won't have to pay an exit load. Entry loads and exit loads are fees levied on the Net Asset Value (price of a unit of a fund). Entry load is levied when you buy units and an exit load when you sell them.

If you sell your shares of equity funds within a year of buying, you end up paying a short-term capital gains tax of 10% on your profit. If you sell after a year, you pay no tax (long-term capital gains tax is nil).

What you MUST do

1. Get rid of the junk

Any shares you bought but no longer want to keep? If they are showing a profit, you could consider selling them. Even if they are not going to give you a substantial profit, it is time to dump them and utilize the money elsewhere if you no longer believe in them.

Similarly with a dud fund; sell the units and deploy the money in a more fruitful investment.

2. Diversify

Don't just buy stocks in one sector. Make sure you are invested in stocks of various sectors.

Also, when you look at your total equity investments, don't just look at stocks. Look at equity funds as well.

To balance your equity investments, put a portion of your investments in fixed income instruments like the Public Provident Fund, post office deposits, bonds and National Savings Certificates.

If you have none of these or very little investment in these, consider a balanced fund or a debt fund.

3. Believe in your investment

Don't invest in shares based on a tip, no matter who gives it to you.

Tread cautiously. Invest in stocks you truly believe in. Look at the fundamentals. Analyze the company and ask yourself if you want to be part of it.

Are you happy with the way a particular fund manager manages his fund and the objective of the fund? If yes, consider investing in it.

4. Stick to your strategy

If you decided you only want 60% of all your investments in equity, don't over-exceed that limit because the stock market has been delivering great returns.

Stick to your allocation.

General Market Advice:

1. Never chase a stock.
2. Buy when markets are in the grip of panic.
3. Only buy fundamentally strong stocks, which are undervalued.
4. Buy stocks grown in top line and bottom line over the past years.
5. Invest in companies with proven management.
6. Avoid loss-making companies.
7. PE Ratio and Growth in earnings per share is the key.
8. Look for the dividend paying record.
9. Invest in stocks for sure returns.
10. Stocks have been the high yielding asset class over the past.
11. Stocks are an asset class.
12. The basic property of any asset class is to grow.
13. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone buys.
14. Invest a fixed amount each month.

Last But not least Trust our tips and then invest to earn huge profit


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